Orient-Express Safaris oper­ates three lux­ury camps in North­ern Botswana: Eagle Island Camp in the Oka­vango Delta, Savute Ele­phant Camp in the Chobe Desert, and Khwai River Lodge adja­cent to the Moremi Game Reserve.

Now, in addi­tion to offer­ing tra­di­tional safari expe­ri­ences, Orient-Express is also offer­ing the chance to be guided by ani­mal com­mu­ni­ca­tor Anna Breyten­bach, who will unlock the secrets to track­ing ani­mals in the wild. You’ll soon be scout­ing like a local as you fig­ure out how to tell which ani­mal left the tracks, what direc­tion it’s mov­ing in, and when it was last in the area. Anna will also teach the art of ani­mal com­mu­ni­ca­tion so you’ll be in tune with ani­mals you encounter in the wild and in your every­day life at home.

Vaca­tions with Orient-Express Safaris may also include a boat trip through the Oka­vango in the heart of the Delta to visit a tra­di­tional Noxa vil­lage, or a Khwai River vil­lage. Trav­el­ers also meet with envi­ron­men­tal­ist Onx Manga, who explains what the lives of the Bush­men were like thou­sands of years ago while vis­it­ing ancient and rare Bush­men paint­ings and the for­est of African Baob­abs (giant “upside down” trees, which are thou­sands of years old).

These unusual expe­ri­ences are just a hint of what awaits you in Botswana.

For more infor­ma­tion, visit Orient-Express Safaris or call +27 21 483‑1600.


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