On April 13, His Excel­lency Dr. Ken­neth Kaunda vis­ited Sanc­tu­ary Chichele Pres­i­den­tial Lodge to offi­cially re-open the prop­erty after an exten­sive refur­bish­ment. The lodge was orig­i­nally built in the 1970s for Dr. Kaunda, the first Repub­li­can pres­i­dent of Zam­bia, as his pri­vate retreat in the South Luangwa National Park.

The open­ing cer­e­mony was also attended by other dig­ni­taries includ­ing for­mer First Lady and now Deputy Min­is­ter of Tourism Vera Tembo, The Hon­ourable Min­is­ter of East­ern Province Isaac Banda, His Royal High­ness Chief Makumbi and Tim­o­thy Mushibwe, Chair­man of the Zam­bian Tourism Board, along with mem­bers of the local media.

Dur­ing his speech, for­mer pres­i­dent Dr. Kaunda thanked Sanc­tu­ary Retreats for the sig­nif­i­cant invest­ment made in Zam­bia and the role they are play­ing in pro­mot­ing tourism in the coun­try. He empha­sised that tourism is crit­i­cal for the devel­op­ment of the local econ­omy in Zam­bia as it pro­vides employ­ment for local peo­ple and assists in the fight against HIV and Aids.

His Excel­lency also had time for a game drive in the val­ley where he spot­ted plenty of wildlife includ­ing the noto­ri­ous Chichele pride of lions on a buf­falo kill with their three small cubs, before end­ing the day with cel­e­bra­tory sun­downer drinks on the mag­nif­i­cent Chichele Hill.

His Excel­lency stayed over at Sanc­tu­ary Chichele Pres­i­den­tial Lodge and left the next morn­ing with these kind words: “How won­der­ful to come back here to Chichele. The recep­tion was as out­stand­ing as always with won­der­ful and mean­ing­ful smiles.”

For more infor­ma­tion about Sanc­tu­ary Chichele Pres­i­den­tial Lodge, talk with your travel agent or con­tact Sanc­tu­ary Retreats.


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