Game Viewing in Eco-Friendly Uganda

Are you planning for your visit to Uganda you can experience gorillas and wildlife which makes safaris in Uganda so amazing; find an amazing African wildlife safari in Uganda as one of the tour activities to be undertaken in the country. Uganda has wide range wildlife because she presents the point of meet between the East African Savannah and the Equatorial bulge of West and Central Africa and as a result the country presents a rich habitat for a myriad of species both remarkable flora and fauna that have formed the basis for wildlife safaris in Uganda.

Wildlife safaris in Uganda Africa features an extensive Savannah landscape and considerable section of it is protected under National Parks and game reserves supporting great counts of grazers and the predators that thrive on them. The Kidepo National Park to the north east of Uganda coupled with Murchison Falls National Park in the North West to Queen Elizabeth National Park in the south west and Lake Mburo National Park also to the south west present remarkable wildlife safaris in Uganda.

Besides the National Parks, Uganda features Savannah game reserves and sanctuaries that support myriad of wildlife including the Pian Upe game reserve, Matheniko – Bokora game reserve, the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, the Toro – Semliki Game Reserve, the Kabwoya game reserve and the Kigezi game reserve.

Uganda is a home to the classic wild game including the big five of land animals namely; the Rhino, lions (with tree climbing lions as well), leopard, the African elephant and the Cape buffalo.  Others include the myriad of antelopes like Impala eland, the greater and lesser Kudu, Jackson’s hartebeest, Roan Antelope, the Uganda Kobs, duikers, the pygmy antelope, defassa water buck, the bush buck among others.  The myriad of their unique wildlife such as populations of Rothschild Giraffes, the side stripped jackals, the spotted hyenas among others derive remarkable Wildlife safaris in Uganda experience.

Go in Safari in Tanzania

Tanzania Safari; Interested in wildlife safaris in Tanzania? Here is a brief about this wildlife hub. Tanzania is noted to be the largest country in the East African Community, 13th and 31st on the African continent and global scale respectively covering 947,303km2 featuring a coastline of 800km2.  The geography of Tanzania is indeed amazing. The country features two extreme points on the African Continent including Africa’s highest point / altitude on Kilimanjaro Mountain 5,895m and the Africa’s lowest point in Lake Tanganyika 352m below sea level.

The flourishing of the safaris in Tanzania does not come out of the blue. About 38% of the country’s landscape has been gazetted as protected areas featuring Sixteen (16) National Parks, Twenty Nine (29) game reserves, forty (40) controlled conservation areas and marine parks.

Tanzania Wildlife Safari tours to these protected areas is never disappointing as there a myriad of wild game to explore among which include; the Big five namely Lions including tree climbing lions in Lake Manyara, African elephants, Rhinos, leopards and African Buffaloes; millions of wildebeest, Tanzanian Cheetah, hundreds of thousands of Zebras and Thompson Gazelle, Giraffes, a range of antelopes and Hippopotamus.

The extensive Tanzania Serengeti Safari National Park features one of the largest concentrations of wildlife in Africa with one of the world’s natural wonders – the Great Migration of Wildebeest in Tanzania every year between Serengeti and Kenya’s Maasai Mara Reserve.

Tanzania`s safari Ngorongoro Crater is another natural wonder of Africa standing as the largest intact unfilled and inactive volcanic caldera offers a one stop shop for amazing wild game including the endangered black Rhinos.

The Gombe National Park is a home of Chimpanzee projects commenced by Jane Good all in 1960. Besides wildlife, Tanzania is noted to be the cradle land of mankind because the skull of early man (Homo habilis) and the Parathropus boisei (early hominidae) was discovered at Olduvai Gorge in 1960s by Dr. Leakey.

Initially known as Tanganyika, the country amalgamated with Zanzibar to form Tanzania. Zanzibar Island is one of the best recreational destinations in the world featuring endless white sand beaches fronted by the vast Indian Ocean. The Island features a rich heritage that range back to the Arab times especially the Stone town where the Sultan of Zanzibar was based.

Go on Safari in Kenya

The Masai Mara, the most famous of Kenya’s reserves, has been called “the most magnificent wildlife theatre in the world.”  Masai Mara (Masai Mara) is known as Africa’s Greatest Wildlife Reserve, situated in southwest Kenya. The park is famous for the abundance of lion, the Great Wildebeest Migration and the Masai people, well known for their distinctive custom and dress; it is without a doubt Africa’s most famous Safari destination.

The Masai Mara is particularly famous for its annual migration, often considered one of the natural wonders of the world, when almost 1 and a half million wildebeest, Zebra and Gazelle migrate northwards around July of each year, in search of fresh pasture.  Predators, including lion and cheetah, follow in hot pursuit. In October, the animals return. Whether you visit the Masai Mara in time to witness the Great Migration or not, you will most certainly see a massive variety of wildlife, including the ‘big five’ and around 450 recorded bird species.

Experience a Primates Safari in Rwanda

Rwanda is a landlocked East African country with a green, mountainous landscape. Its renowned Volcanoes National Park is home to mountain gorillas and golden monkeys. The park encompasses 4,507m-tall Mt. Karisimbi and 4 other forested volcanoes. In the southwest is Nyungwe National Park, with ancient montane rain forest that’s a habitat for chimpanzees and other primates.


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