There is one sil­ver lin­ing to our cur­rent eco­nomic cri­sis: Cruise lines are start­ing to think more cre­atively and are offer­ing deep dis­counts (Ocea­nia Cruises), com­pli­men­tary shore excur­sions (Regent Seven Seas), and new itin­er­aries to entice all of us to book another vacation…soon.

Wind­star Cruises just announced two new seven-night Canary Islands voy­ages that are sure to pique some inter­est with fans of the line who were get­ting bored with the repeat­ing itin­er­aries in the Caribbean, Costa Rica, and the Mediterranean.Ten years ago, Wind­star offered a sim­i­lar adven­ture in this region. On Novem­ber 14, 2009, and again on Novem­ber 21,2009, Windstar’s 148-passenger Wind Spirit motor-sail-yacht will call upon the fol­low­ing ports:Lisbon, Por­tu­galAt Sea­Casablanca, Moroc­coAt SeaA­gadir, Moroc­coLan­zarote, SpainLas Pal­mas, SpainSanta Cruz De Tener­ife, SpainDou­ble occu­pancy per per­son cruise fares start at $1,999.These two voy­ages are expected to sell out so call your travel agent or Wind­star (1–800-258‑7245) for more infor­ma­tion or to book a cruise.

There is one sil­ver lin­ing to our cur­rent eco­nomic cri­sis: Cruise lines are start­ing to think more cre­atively and are offer­ing deep dis­counts (Ocea­nia Cruises), com­pli­men­tary shore excur­sions (Regent Seven Seas), and new itin­er­aries to entice all of us to book another vacation…soon.

Wind­star Cruises just announced two new seven-night Canary Islands voy­ages that are sure to pique some inter­est with fans of the line who were get­ting bored with the repeat­ing itin­er­aries in the Caribbean, Costa Rica, and the Mediterranean.

Ten years ago, Wind­star offered a sim­i­lar adven­ture in this region. On Novem­ber 14, 2009, and again on Novem­ber 21,2009, Windstar’s 148-passenger Wind Spirit motor-sail-yacht will call upon the fol­low­ing ports:

Lis­bon, Portugal

At Sea

Casablanca, Morocco

At Sea

Agadir, Morocco

Lan­zarote, Spain

Las Pal­mas, Spain

Santa Cruz De Tener­ife, Spain

Dou­ble occu­pancy per per­son cruise fares start at $1,999.

These two voy­ages are expected to sell out so call your travel agent or Wind­star Cruises (1–800-258‑7245) for more infor­ma­tion or to book a cruise.

—Andrea M. Rotondo for

There is one sil­ver lin­ing to our cur­rent eco­nomic cri­sis: Cruise lines are start­ing to think more cre­atively and are offer­ing deep dis­counts (Ocea­nia Cruises), com­pli­men­tary shore excur­sions (Regent Seven Seas), and new itin­er­aries to entice all of us to book another vacation…soon.

Wind­star Cruises just announced two new seven-night Canary Islands voy­ages that are sure to pique some inter­est with fans of the line who were get­ting bored with the repeat­ing itin­er­aries in the Caribbean, Costa Rica, and the Mediterranean.

Ten years ago, Wind­star offered a sim­i­lar adven­ture in this region. On Novem­ber 14, 2009, and again on Novem­ber 21,2009, Windstar’s 148-passenger Wind Spirit motor-sail-yacht will call upon the fol­low­ing ports:

  • Lis­bon, Portugal
  • At Sea
  • Casablanca, Morocco
  • At Sea
  • Agadir, Morocco
  • Lan­zarote, Spain
  • Las Pal­mas, Spain
  • Santa Cruz De Tener­ife, Spain

Dou­ble occu­pancy per per­son cruise fares start at $1,999.These two voy­ages are expected to sell out so call your travel agent or Wind­star Cruises (1–800-258‑7245) for more infor­ma­tion or to book a cruise.


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