I just got word about a new Nile River cruise that actu­ally hear­kens back to the days when daha­biehs — lanteen-rigged sail­boats — were the main method of trans­porta­tion on this water­way. These sail-powered ves­sels were used exten­sively up until the 19th cen­tury when steamships made their debut in the area. The pop­u­lar­ity of daha­biehs waned as they were slower than steamships and so fell out of favor with many. Today, these sail­ing ships have been retro­fit­ted for high-end travel up and down the Nile.

Aber­crom­bie & Kent is now offer­ing pri­vate travel aboard the new lux­ury daha­bieh, Zein Nile Chateau. This ship is part of A&K’s Tai­lor Made Pri­vate Travel pro­gram. These inti­mate boats are per­fect for small groups. And, since daha­biehs are smaller and more agile than tra­di­tional Nile River boats, they can visit more areas than their competitors.

Zein Nile Chateau was purpose-built for the lux­ury mar­ket with two expan­sive suites and four state­rooms. Unlike other daha­biehs, the cab­ins on this sail­boat are air-conditioned. Pub­lic areas include the din­ing room with floor-to-ceiling glass doors, cigar lounge, library, sun deck, oasis pool, and out­door lounge designed for stargazing.

Trav­el­ers may char­ter Zein Nile Chateau. Seven-night itin­er­aries start at $29,600 for up to 12 peo­ple. An expe­ri­enced Egyp­tol­o­gist trav­els with all Aber­crom­bie & Kent Nile River tours and with just 12 trav­el­ers on this ship, you’re sure to enjoy a per­son­al­ized jour­ney down the Nile.

For more infor­ma­tion, talk with your travel agent or con­tact Aber­crom­bie & Kent at 1-(800) 554‑7094.


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