The best way to fully experience the world is by traveling through it.  Being a senior and you still love to travel is the best feeling you will get. You know they are always sited and staying in one place in most case so traveling is the best relief for them.

Tours and trips for seniors bring you closer to amazing places via iconic and scenic road routes through the highlands and low lands of the pearl of Africa. Just because you are a senior, does not mean that your adventure days are over. Though yes there will be those ones that your body has given up on.

Here are some example tours and trips for seniors


A safari is a day’s drive through national parks, villages, roads and communities in search of local exciting wildlife, birds or local experiences you may like. Going on a safari tours and trips for seniors is the ideal way to experience an entirely new world of nature.

There are a lot fun game views and short drives that will entice the seniors and well as make them tried to get enough sleeping at night. A short drive through the park and then back to the lodge to sleep and relax at the swimming pools or just relax with a cold bottle of beer.

You can plan a wild game safari through Africa’s famous national parks. Most tour operators also combine game viewing with gorilla safaris in the impenetrable forests of Uganda, Rwanda or the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Road trips

Short road trips from a village to another or from a state to another. These nice road trips to view scenery’s and enjoy a fresh breath is actually very much refreshing and good for senior trips and tours.

It’s not tiresome and they get time off work and home may be for a day or even two day sleep overs on road trips is a good deal.

Culture and Food testing trips

When you are senior you have those things that used to be in your youth full ages that made you smile and lough. To us now in this error we think they are off.  Mostly these things are replicates in the cultural festivals and food.

Senior trips and tours to cultural museums and food festivals will spark the your them to recall a their memories and dance and enjoy the tune of their old days. You know someone once said that “food is the source of energy for the body but also fuel for the soul”. I guess when you eat well you fuel the soul.

Hiking & trekking

Getting older doesn’t mean you have to hang up your trekking poles. There are countless tours and trips that will take you anywhere and everywhere including famous places like Kilimanjaro and Cinque Terre, all at a pace that works for you. Find easier treks for those of you just starting off and more advanced options for adventurers with serious experience under their belts.

Local visits and museums

Arranging a one day tour in town and cities around you for local tours and trips is awesome. Getting in your own car and drive yourself to the local centers for art gallery or enjoying the museum is a best felling to get for a middle of the week trip.


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