A vari­ety of 2009 travel awards have been announced recently and &Beyond’s Kichwa Tembo in Kenya’s Masai Mara National Reserve is rack­ing up the accolades.

Travel + Leisure hon­ored Kichwa Tembo with a World’s Best Award for 2009 and Condé Nast Trav­eler added the lodge to its Gold List of the World’s Best Places to Stay.

So what’s spe­cial about Kichwa Tembo? It’s located right on the path of the annual Great Migra­tion on a pri­vate con­ces­sion leased from Maa­sai land­lords in the exclu­sive west­ern Mara. The Migra­tion trav­els through here from June through Octo­ber, but the ani­mal view­ing is excel­lent all year long.

Kichwa Tembo actu­ally con­sists of two dis­tinct camps: the more inti­mate and upscale Bateleur Camp and Kichwa Tembo Masai Mara Tented Camp.

Bateleur Camp is mod­eled after the clas­sic safaris of the 20s and 30s. There are two camps of just nine tented suites each, all ser­viced by per­sonal but­lers. Pri­vate decks over­look the sweep­ing Masai Mara plains.

Kichwa Tembo Masai Mara Tented Camp com­prises 40 Hem­ing­way style ensuite safari tents (28 clas­sic safari tents and 12 lux­ury tents). The camp offers both a for­est and a savanna expe­ri­ence with out­looks either across the mag­nif­i­cent grass­lands or Sabaringo River. A huge infin­ity pool with breath­tak­ing views pro­vides not only a refresh­ing dip but also some of the best game sight­ings in the Mara.

For more infor­ma­tion, visit &Beyond or call 1-(888) 882‑3742.


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