A flurry of South Africa travel pack­ages are being announced now that the 2010 World Cup is only eight months away. Here’s a 15-day adven­ture from Africa Adven­ture Con­sul­tants that com­bines 10 nights in Cape Town (or other cities), two soc­cer matches in Cat­e­gory 1 (best) seats, and a four-night game safari at Thorny­bush Pri­vate Game Lodge in Thorny­bush Nature Reserve near Kruger National Park. The land-only price is $7,820 per person.

Africa Adven­ture Consultant’s pres­i­dent Kent Red­ding is see­ing an uptick in book­ings for the period sur­round­ing the World Cup. “Now is cer­tainly the time for soc­cer fans to make World Cup Africa travel plans, as we’re already see­ing lim­ited avail­abil­ity at some hotels through­out South Africa. With the recent news from Lon­don regard­ing bogus tick­ets, it’s also impor­tant to pur­chase your travel pack­ages from rep­utable operators.”

In addi­tion to World Cup Africa travel, Denver-based African safari expert Africa Adven­ture Con­sul­tants orga­nizes safari adven­tures through­out East and South­ern Africa, with des­ti­na­tions includ­ing Tan­za­nia, Kenya, South Africa, Uganda, Namibia, Botswana, Malawi, South Africa, Rwanda, Zam­bia, Vic­to­ria Falls and Ethiopia.

For more infor­ma­tion, visit Africa Aven­ture Con­sul­tants or call 1-(866) 778‑1089.


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