Indonesia has many destinations for tourism. This country is great destinations to find pleasure during holidays. There are many kinds of destinations and themes for the tourism. Cultural heritages and great views of nature are the main tourisms offered by this country. Related to the great view of the nature, Labuan Bajo and the destinations around it can be great destination to visit. Labuan Bajo is the area located in the eastern part of Indonesia. Although it is in the eastern part of Indonesia, it does not mean that there are problems for getting to labuan bajo. There will be no problems for this since Labuan Bajo already becomes the main destinations for tourism and government of Indonesia provides good accommodation and transportation for this.

It is true that there are no problems to visit Labuan Bajo. There are various transportation for getting to labuan bajo. it is possible to go by air, water, and also land. Many access of transportation have been provided and people can choose the best and most suitable access for it.

  • By air, tourists can find flight schedule to the Labuan Bajo. There is Komodo Airport as the main airport in the Labuan Bajo. To reach this place, there are various flights to choose. One of the most popular access of airline is the Transnusa Airlines. This airline provides direct access to reach Labuan Bajo from several big cities in Indonesia and Denpasar Bali is one of them.
  • By sea, there are some alternative provided by PELNI as the company owned by Indonesia. PELNI provides Tilongkabila and Tatamailau connecting tourists from several area in Indonesia to Labuan Bajo.
  • It is also possible to reach this destination by land. However, the land access is expensive. This can also take long time to reach destination. There is only buses, and no railways are built in this area. That is why it is better to reach Labuan Bajo by air or sea.

Things that make Labuan Bajo so interesting is the Komodo National Park. This national park already gets title as the World Heritage Site and it is declared by UNESCO. In this national park, there are komodo dragons. This is a rare and special lizards that can only be found in this national park since this is the home for them. Komodo dragons become special animal since this is the largest lizard living in the earth. They are also claimed as the big prehistoric animal that can survive from the natural selection. That is why the animal and its ecosystem become the world heritage site. In this case, komodo dragons are not the only interesting things to find. The national park itself also becomes habitat of awesome animal such as wild boars, deer, and various species of birds. The sceneries of this park consist of savannas, mangroves, and even beaches. Specifically about the beaches, they can dive to see the various species of coral reefs and fish. There are thousands of fish species, even whales and stingrays can be found under the water of this national park. Of course, this is the great destination after getting to labuan bajo.


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