What Else Will You Do Dur­ing the World Cup?

Are you head­ing to the 2010 World Cup in South Africa? You’re going to enjoy a few games and maybe go on safari, but have you thought about doing some ser­vice work while you’re there?

Ele­vate Des­ti­na­tions has put together a few cus­tomized com­mu­nity tours in South Africa that will show trav­el­ers some of the chal­lenges fac­ing com­mu­ni­ties in Johan­nes­burg, Dur­ban, and Cape Town. Spe­cial tours can be orga­nized for a min­i­mum of one to two days.

Sug­gested Tours in South Africa

  • Johan­nes­burg—Visit com­mu­nity projects in Soweto with for­mer soc­cer play­ers such as Andre Arendse and Linda Buthelezi.
  • Cape Town—Tour three dif­fer­ent city com­mu­nity empow­er­ment projects on a one-day tour.
  • Dur­ban—Head to the Indigo Skate Park in the Val­ley of a Thou­sand Hills, a rural area in Dur­ban where skate board­ing has brought hope to this community.


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