The Sey­chelles is one of those dream des­ti­na­tions in the Indian Ocean, just north of Mada­gas­car. The Sey­chelles are actu­ally 115 islands and offer lush rain forests, gor­geous beaches, and are sur­rounded by unri­valed marine life.

The Four Sea­sons Sey­chelles will cel­e­brate its one-year anniver­sary this Feb­ru­ary. Despite its secluded loca­tion on the south­west coast of the main island of Mahe, it’s still close to the inter­na­tional air­port as well as the cap­i­tal of Vic­to­ria (a 30-minute drive).

This is the type of place you’d be crazy to pass up. The 67 vil­las and suites are more than spa­cious and all vil­las have their own pri­vate plunge pools, out­door show­ers, and sun­set views of the bay. There are two restau­rants and bars, spa, fit­ness and recre­ation cen­ter as well as meeting/banquet facilities.

Dur­ing 2010 Four Sea­sons Sey­chelles is offer­ing an excel­lent deal on lodg­ing here: its stay longer pro­mo­tion, which is valid from:

  • Jan­u­ary 10 – March 31, 2010
  • May 11 – June 30, 2010
  • Sep­tem­ber 16 – Octo­ber 31, 2010
  • Decem­ber 1 – 18, 2010

Enjoy a com­pli­men­tary 4th night for 3 con­sec­u­tive nights stay

Enjoy a com­pli­men­tary 6th and 7th night for 5 con­sec­u­tive nights stay

The pro­mo­tion is valid for indi­vid­ual book­ings only and not for groups.

For reser­va­tions, please call Four Sea­sons Resort Sey­chelles at 248–393-333; fax: 248–393-331; or send an e-mail to

The Sey­chelles is one of those dream des­ti­na­tions in the Indian Ocean, just north of Mada­gas­car. The Sey­chelles are actu­ally 115 islands and offer lush rain forests, gor­geous beaches, and are sur­rounded by unri­valed marine life.

The Four Sea­sons Resort Sey­chelles will cel­e­brate its one-year anniver­sary this Feb­ru­ary. Despite its secluded loca­tion on the south­west coast of the main island of Mahe, it’s still close to the inter­na­tional air­port as well as the cap­i­tal of Vic­to­ria (a 30-minute drive).

This is the type of place you’d be crazy to pass up. The 67 vil­las and suites are more than spa­cious and all vil­las have their own pri­vate plunge pools, out­door show­ers, and sun­set views of the bay. There are two restau­rants and bars, spa, fit­ness and recre­ation cen­ter as well as meeting/banquet facilities.

Dur­ing 2010 Four Sea­sons Resort Sey­chelles is offer­ing an excel­lent deal on lodg­ing here: its stay longer pro­mo­tion, which is valid from:

Jan­u­ary 10 – March 31, 2010
May 11 – June 30, 2010
Sep­tem­ber 16 – Octo­ber 31, 2010
Decem­ber 1 – 18, 2010

Enjoy a com­pli­men­tary 4th night for 3 con­sec­u­tive nights stay
Enjoy a com­pli­men­tary 6th and 7th night for 5 con­sec­u­tive nights stay

The pro­mo­tion is valid for indi­vid­ual book­ings only and not for groups.

For reser­va­tions, call Four Sea­sons Resort Sey­chelles at 248–393-333; fax: 248–393-331; or send an e-mail to


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