Eller­man House in Cape Town, South Africa

Rep­utable tour pack­ager Kens­ing­ton Tours is offer­ing a new 8-night lux­ury vaca­tion to South Africa. Dubbed “Sophis­ti­cated South Africa,” the pack­age is pri­vately guided so there’s no set depar­ture dates. Go when your sched­ule dic­tates, not some­one else’s.

You’ll spend four nights at Eller­man House in Cape Town. This chic hotel is know for its per­son­al­ized ser­vice, and celebri­ties like Oprah, Sting, and Bono have all stayed here while trav­el­ing in South Africa.

The first part of your jour­ney in Cape Town will take you to Table Moun­tain, Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve, Simons Town, Boul­ders Beach (for some play­time with the pen­guins), and nearby vineyards.

Next you’ll fly to Johan­nes­burg and then con­nect to Kruger National Park, where you’ll make your­self at home at either Sin­gita Lebombo Lodge or Sweni Lodge. Eight game dri­ves are included, along with all meals (break­fast, lunch, and din­ner) while on safari.

Pric­ing for Sophis­ti­cated South Africa has been reduced for depar­tures between Jan­u­ary 15–May 31, 2010 and August 1–December 15, 2010. The pack­age is approx­i­mately $8,995 per per­son, based on dou­ble occupancy.

For more infor­ma­tion, talk with your travel agent or Kens­ing­ton Tours.


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