Sanc­tu­ary Zebra Plains — Zambia

On June 2, Sanc­tu­ary Zebra Plains opened for busi­ness in South Luangwa, Zam­bia. Zebra Plains promises the ulti­mate bush expe­di­tion for adven­ture seekers—a walk­ing safari com­bined with fine din­ing and high-end tented accommodations.

Respected guide Garth Hov­ell leads two walks each day at Sanc­tu­ary Zebra Plains and it’s com­mon for guests to see hip­pos, hun­dreds of species of birds, zebra, ele­phant, ante­lope, buf­falo, puku, lion, leop­ard, and wild dog. In addi­tion to Hov­ell, safari-goers are accom­pa­nied by armed game scouts and a tea bearer. Depar­tures are set on Mon­day and Thurs­day, with a three-night stay minimum.

The inti­macy of this safari expe­ri­ence is main­tained with just four tents—two dou­bles and two twins. Each tent has a bed, com­fort­able fur­ni­ture, mos­quito nets, en suite facil­i­ties and a flush toi­let. Water for al fresco show­ers is mixed to your pre­ferred tem­per­a­ture by a tent atten­dant. Meals are taken in the main mess tent with a full din­ing area, library, and bar.

This sea­sonal camp is open from June to Octo­ber each year and is designed to leave the low­est pos­si­ble car­bon foot­print. In fact, in between sea­sons the camp is packed up leav­ing no trace…as if it were never there.

Zebra Plains is offer­ing an open­ing spe­cial: book a stay for two at Zebra Plains and the sec­ond guest’s stay is half price (a sav­ings up to $825). This deal is valid for new book­ings for travel that takes place between June 1 and Octo­ber 31, 2011.

Con­sider com­bin­ing the walk­ing safari with a stay at Sanctuary’s per­ma­nent lodges in South Luangwa: Sanc­tu­ary Puku Ridge Camp and Sanc­tu­ary Chichele Pres­i­den­tial Lodge, where they are cur­rently offer­ing three nights for the price of two.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact your travel agent or Sanc­tu­ary Retreats.


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